Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Not Without Peril, August Book

Not Without Peril by Marguerite Allis is an historical novel based on the life of a real person, Jemima Sartwell, who born in Groton, Massachusetts. Her father moved his family to the wilderness when Northfield was at the edge of the frontier and built a fort in what is now Vernon, called Fort Sartwell. Jemima moved up and down the Connecticut River as her first husband, then her second husband were killed by Indians. She and her children were captured by Indians and taken to Canada, where they lived as prisoners of war. After the French and Indian War ended, Jemima was returned to New Hampshire, where she was reunited with all but two of her children. Not Without Peril is  an amazing book about an amazing woman. 
This epic adventure is a learning experience about the living conditions, political divides, impact of the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the evolution of the land called The Grants which we now know as Vermont.

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